E-learning and Exam Management System (K12Online)

K12Online is a system that fully supports the process of executive management, teaching, learning and tesing assessment for general education and regular education

Website: https://k12online.vn/

solution detail image
Detail Solutions
Fully meet standard

Fully meet standard

Full features of an online learning management system and online testing, assessment for all subjects, including administrators and teachers, students. The system is designed based on the orientations and standards of the MOET and Vietnam's goverment.

Advanced technology

Advanced technology

This system is built with the most modern technology, making it optimal in the process of using securing information. Viettel has developed and improved continously, ensuring to meet the changing requirements and trends of Vietnam's education industry.

The systematic

The systematic

Providing management features according to a clear management model, synchronizing data with other systems in our ecosystem such as SMAS

Traning management

Traning management

  • Account management
  • Statistical report
  • Organizing online meetings
Organization of teaching and learning

Organization of teaching and learning

  • Organizing teaching in many forms such as virtual classrooms, learning through videos, slides and learning on any device.
  • Building question sources, schedule timetable, assign teaching 
Other features

Other features

  • Dicussing and exchanging easily between teachers and students.
  • Providing knowleadge arenas for students.
For teachers

For teachers


  • There are tools to create online lectures with many different formats such as video, text, document, excercise, scorm..
  • There are tools to create tests, exams with many type of questions and utilities
  • Creating and organizing virtual classes in a simple way
  • Having environment to discuss, interact with students online.
  • There are tools to support activities of tracking, making statistics, reporting on results and learning situation of students.
  • There are tools to manage and store lesson plans conveniently and easily.
  • Joining the online contests of schools.
For students

For students

  • Students can actively monitor and keep track of their study plans with their own individual displayed
  • Learning and doing homework, taking online exams anytime, anywhere and on any device.
  • Having an environment for online discussion with teachers and friends.
  • Proactively tracking their own learning progress and results.
For schools

For schools

  • There are tools to build and manage their general material source.
  • Having tools to censor teaching plans conveniently and easily
  • Having tools for moderating content posted by teachers.
  • Having tools to monitor the teaching and learning process of teachers and students
  • Proactively setting parameters on the system such as study time, system interface...


  • Actively organizing competitions and exams at DOET level for students
  • Holding online meetings with schools and teachers locality.