Student’s Expenses Management Software

This is the software that helps schools manage well the receipts-expenses, serving of each group of students as well as provide report data quickly and accurately.

solution detail image
Detail Solutions
Connection with School Management System SMAS

Connection with School Management System SMAS

Synchronize data of Teachers, Grades, Students from Software SMAS for use without entering at first.

Log in through ViettelStudy

Log in through ViettelStudy

Users can log into system with account of ViettelStudy available without adding a new account.

Connection with management agencies

Connection with management agencies

Transfer reports on settlement of receipts via internet from schools to Division of Education and Training and Department of Education and Training.

Student management

Student management

Manage students’ informations including student ID number, full name, place of birth, date of birth, as well as student’s expense such as tuition fee, learning tools, equipment, construction fee, food expenses, day-boarder, etc. Manage documents of receipts, issue invoices for students. Automatically print invoices, student forms, receipt vouchers, payment vouchers

Meal management

Meal management

Order meals online and automatically calculate daily serving for students. Monitor number of servings and fulfill the payment of food expenses of each student on monthly basis.

Invoice management

Invoice management

Collect, automatically render reports on invoice settlement, summarize these reports at the management unit. Transfer these reports on receipt settlement via internet from schools to Division of Education and Training and Department of Education and Training.

Help schools manage well the receipt – payment as well as provide report data timely, reduce the time for summarization of data and maintain the accuracy.

Automatically calculate daily serving of students, render serving book. Monitor number of servings and fulfill payment of food expenses from each student on monthly basis.

This software is built on the platform of cloud computing, allows concentrated management of data, flexible processing, meets the demand of connection of information from schools in various levels.

The security and confidentiality are high. All documents and data from students and parents are secured. Troubles are always resolved in the shortest time.

The deployment of this software does not need investment in equipment with superior configuration or complex installation and administration of software.

Software interface for Management of receipts and expenses is simple, handy and used every time, everywhere.