School Management System SMAS

School Management System is written in abbreviation as SMAS – School Management System is one of the systems under the comprehensive solutions for education sector deployed and applied by Viettel Group for various levels including: Department/Division of Education and Training, preschool, primary school, secondary school, high school, continuing education center.

solution detail image
Detail Solutions
Student management

Student management

SMAS helps schools manage academic records (grades, summaries, learning outcomes), management of training (attendance, reward, discipline, .). From there, assess the learning rankings, conduct or emulation titles and synthesize reports to leaders and higher management units.

Cadre management

Cadre management

The software manages profiles of teachers, assignment of teaching and management of initiatives, topics, experience as well as award and discipline.

Examination management and organization

Examination management and organization

This feature assists schools to organize examinations such as listing candidates, preparing registration numbers, marking candidate information-related section, dividing exam rooms, designating examiners... SMAS can also manage examination results: test scores, transfer lists results into the grade book...

Management of messages for operation and electronic communication books

Management of messages for operation and electronic communication books

  • Send messages to teachers to command, operate and inform of work contents for reduction of pressure of meeting, traveling…
  • It is a bridge between schools and families making it easier to acknowledge the state of study for supervising and accompanying with students. Parents can actively search marks and diligence of their children.
System management includes functions

System management includes functions

  • Declaration of data in early new school year
  • Transfer of data from previous school year
  • Decentralization of users
  • Configuration of statistics level
  • Supervision of marks entry
Management of information on statistics at Department/Division of Education and Training levels

Management of information on statistics at Department/Division of Education and Training levels

It includes functions of management of information on schools, statistics, and full reports as required from the Ministry. Manage examination, teaching schedule, state of data entry, lock of data entry…

Software SMAS is built on the platform of cloud computing, which allows concentrated management of data, flexible processing, meets demand of connection of information on schools in various levels.

Management units at Division/Department levels can quickly summarize data of report and statistics on state of teaching and learning thanks to the calculation system with high accuracy.

The security and confidentiality are high. All documents and data from students and parents are secured. Troubles are always resolved in the shortest time.

The deployment of software SMAS is completely free of charges, without the need to invest in devices with superior configuration or complex installation and administration of software.

Interface of software for SMAS is easy, handy and used every time, everywhere